
COVID 19 is the buzzword currently as the whole world seems to be gripped with it. Social distancing has become the new norm and this is why technology has assumed gargantuan importance.

Businesses seemed to have shut down and when several nations were during the complete lockdown, there were IT firms who decided to take their work online. It was because of technology that they managed to carry out the work in full swing.

Here are some of the different ways by which technology has managed to support businesses even during COVID 19.

  • Allowing workforce to collaborate: It is because of tools like the Zoom app, Google Meet, Skype that mass video conferencing and online virtual meetings became easier. When the workforce could contact each other and understand the needs and requirements, the project could be carried out seamlessly. Also, things like safe count solutions allow offices to maintain strict social distancing by knowing the real-time occupancy at the office and collaborating tasks accordingly.
  • Setting the right security standards: As more and more companies decided to carry out their whole work online; the need for enhanced security was felt. Once again, it was the advancement in technology that came into play. With advanced and improved security standards, the companies were even more confident about how to handle the dynamics without compromising on their sensitive data. From using valimail defend to avoid email phishing to offering biometric access; technology has come a long way.
  • Streamlining the work: It is with the help of technology that companies could streamline the work in a proper manner. This allows every employee to be thoroughly informed about the status and progress report of the projects. When interweaving of tasks is required, being updated about the project status is the only way out. With the help of modern tools and apps, seamless updating of current work status is very easy.
  • Command centers: There are several command centers that can be set up. Using these centers, one can regulate the workflow, set the different commands, make amend and changes, and even incorporate feedback. These are important points that regulate different projects and make things easier. These centers can also make use of data generated from the thermal cameras to ensure none of the infected employees end up infecting the whole team.

So, these are some of the different ways by which technology can turn out to be handy as far as helping businesses battle COVID is concerned. There are companies like Ejaf Tech who are offering some of the finest IT solutions and even carrying out network penetration testing to offer the right help.

Of course, if you are looking to function seamlessly as a business and complete all your projects, the right thing you can do is opt for the best of advanced technology measures and hopefully, things will work out for you.

No one had anticipated such a drastic time wherein the pandemic could bring the whole world down. As no one knows when the situation will kick back to normal, businesses have resumed with no other option. As social distancing is likely to stay; one needs to adapt to the changing trends. Thanks to the modern and improved technology, hopefully too many businesses will start to adapt and resume with full force. Adapting to these changes is the only way we can survive until the world goes back to normal.

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